Whenever any type of medicine or treatment is tested for general use, one of the tests must include its effectiveness when compared to a decoy such as a sugar pill or a surgery that doesn’t actually takes place. The reason for that is what’s known as the placebo effect.
The placebo effect is a type of mind trick. In basic terms, when we think we are getting treatment our body doubles its effort to heal itself and in certain cases this effect works even better than the medication that is being tested.
Now given the fact that there is no scientific evidence that gemstones have any sort of effect on the human body, are they themselves a form of placebo?
In my experience the answer is a definitive NO!
Experience is not enough
While it would be possible to recount the numerous times when i saw with my own eyes miraculous healings occur due to the influence of gemstones, these are meaningless as proof because these only my own observations and not verifiable or measurable facts.
In reality, there could have been a thousand other factors that caused those people to heal, including their own belief in those gemstones. This is why such accounts, numerous and detailed as they may be, are often dismissed by scientists as an evidence that something actually works.
Empirical Evidence
When I first started recommending gemstones as a means to treat various problems, one of my golden rules was to never reveal the effect that a gemstone might have. The reason for that was that same placebo effect – if a person doesn’t know what to expect, the result is far more reliable. This alone however isn’t enough to prove anything, and an actual proof that gemstones work would require empirical (measurable) evidence.
The first measurable effect of the use of gemstones was observed by complete accident. Back in early 2015, a certain combination of gemstones i was testing on myself, namely Carnelian and Beryllium Sapphires, resulted in high blood pressure after only a few hours of having these gemstones on me. More importantly, a noticeable decrease in blood pressure could be measured after only 30 minutes of taking these gemstones off!
This result turned out to be quite common in certain situations, and such an increase in blood pressure could even be observed from Emeralds, a gemstone that is normally used as a depressant instead of a stimulant, if these were inappropriate for the person in question.
Another very visible result of the gemstones effect was observed on several occasions when Mars gemstones (Red Coral and Carnelian) were used to speed up healing after an injury. The area around and beneath the gemstone was sometimes healing so fast that it formed a clear line between the healed tissue surrounding the gem and the still wounded part a few inches away.
Yet another notable and sometimes unpleasant effect was observed with Jupiter gemstones, namely Citrines and Yellow Sapphires – In most cases when these were used, one of the sude effects was a noticeable, and more importantly measurable, gain in weight.
While the evidence outlined here won’t by themselves be enough to prove to the world that gemstones work, they are a strong and factual proof that they are not merely placebos or wishful thinking, and should be reconsidered as a viable method of treatment.