Sidereal Location: 16:40°-30:00° in Cancer.
Tropical Location: 10:40°-24:00° in Leo.
Corresponding Fixed Stars: The Minazal stars, aka δ, ε, η, ρ, and σ Hydrae, which form the hydra’s head.
Ruler: Mercury, Sarpa – The celestial serpent.
Nature: Tamasic
Motive: Dharma (Righteousness)
Activity: Active
C\M\D: Destruction
A\P\M: Animal
Elements: Water, kapha
Qualities and Direction: Sharp, horrific, downwards
Sex, Species and Caste: Foreigner, demon, cat, male
Special Power: The ability to split, separate and dissolve.
Main themes: Connections and ties, sentimentality, psychotherapy and hypnosis, dependence and control, bondage and servitude, seduction and sexuality, chemicals and poisons, medicine and pharmaceuticals.
Appropriate activities: Starting a business, advertising and sales, negotiations and mergers, assault and aggression, ambush and betrayal, murder and assassination, poisoning and pest control, arson and incineration, hypnosis and psychotherapy, black magick, animal training, military training, horror movies, digging ditches, trenches, foundations and wells, tunneling and mining, laying infrastructure.
The Ashlesha (binding, wrapping) lunar mansion gets its name from both its ruler, Sarpa the celestial serpent, and its symbol – a coiled snake. The ruler of this mansion is simultaneously associated both with Vritra, the demon snake that locks water in the clouds during drought, and with Shesha Naga (The Milky Way), and sometimes even with the cobra that protected the Buddha, who was born on a full moon in this mystical mansion.
This mansion is also the birth mansion of Ketu, the south node of the moon, and represents the Nagas, the mythical serpents that are endowed with hypnotizing beauty and supernatural abilities such as shapeshifting, hence the association of this mansion with sexuality, attraction and hypnosis. The ability of snakes to produce venom and shed their skin also ties this mansion to drugs, chemicals and medicine, and through the coiled serpent symbol to DNA and to kundalini energy.
This mansion is the position of the Moon, Jupiter and Neptune in the chart of Henry Heimlich, the inventor of the Heimlich maneuver that saved thousands of lives. On the other hand, the coiled serpent also represents ropes that tie slaves and victims of abduction, and the venom ties it to poisoning and even murder.
Mars enters deep debilitation in 28:00° of Cancer in this lunar mansion, which is driven by deep emotions instead of self-restraint and common sense.