Siderial location: 13:20°-26:40° in Aries.
Tropical location: 07:20°-20:40° in Taurus.
Corresponding fixed stars: 35, 39 and 41 Arietes, formerly in the constellation Musca Borealis (northern fly) and today part of Aries.
Ruler: Venus, Yama – The god of death.
Nature: Rajasic
Motive: Artha (Livelihood)
Activity: Balanced
C\M\D: Maintenance
A\P\M: Plant
Elements: Earth, Pitta
Qualities and direction: Mixed, fierce and cruel, downwards
Sex, species and caste: Foreigner, human, elephant, female.
Special power: The power to clear, cleanse and remove flaws.
Main themes: Birth, the female sex organ, gynecology, death, butchering, hunting, dancing.
Appropriate activities: Assault and aggression, ambush and betrayal, murder and assassination, poisoning and pest control, arson and incineration, hypnosis and psychotherapy, black magick, animal training, military training, horror movies, digging ditches, trenches, foundations and wells, tunneling and laying infrastructure.
The Bharani (container, cup, vessel) lunar mansion gets its name from its symbol – the female sex organ. Quite ironically, the ruler of this mansion is Yama, the god of death, which is a stark reminder that everyone who was born from a woman must eventually die. Due to this slightly schizophrenic symbolism, this lunar mansion simultaneously represents both midwives and undertakers, gynecologists and pathologists, sex workers and murderers, etc. The association with the god of death is emphasized by this mansion being one of the cruel\fierce ones, on which it is advised to perform destructive actions according to electoral astrology. Despite all of this, this lunar mansion also has a positive side as it can be found in the charts of many stars, models and dancers who became sex symbols.
Saturn enters deep debilitation in 20 degrees of Aries in this lunar mansion, which is not surprising as both birth and death are upheavals that change the established order.