While not the deadliest of conditions, pain is one of the most crippling and frightening sensations, often used as a torture device due to its effect upon the psyche. Normally pain is a warning sign that the body is being damaged, but sometimes it becomes a disease in and of itself when it refuses to shut down. The causes of pain are as numerous as the places where it can be felt, which makes it harder to diagnose and treat than almost any other disease.
So how can we see chronic pain through astrology?
And how can we diagnose its origin?
Common Denominator
At its most basic, pain is an intense stimulation of the nervous system, hence it should come as no surprise that the main indicator for pain in the astrological chart is proximity to the Sun, Mars or Ketu. These three distinguish themselves from the rest of the planet by symbolising energy, fire and heat, and planets closely conjunct or hemmed in between them will indicate overstimulation of the corresponding areas of the body. This is especially true when it occurs in fiery signs as these amplify the effects.
The types of pain felt however, do differ a lot depending on the planet in question. Ketu usually represents the most intense, rapid onset pain such as in sudden seizures, or the phantom pain after amputations. Mars too can represent rapid onset pain, but more often denotes pain originating from physical trauma such as cuts and bruises, or muscle pain due to overexertion. In contrast, the Sun usually represents more constant and consistent types of pain, such as burns, migraines or pain caused by autoimmune diseases.
It’s all about the nerves – Mercury
The prerequisite for the sensation of pain, unless it is psychological in nature, is the overstimulation of the nervous system, which is represented in astrology by the planet Mercury. Along with the nervous system, Mercury also represents the skin which contains the vast majority of pain receptors. This is why Mercury is the first planet one must check when looking for sources of physical pain in the astrological chart. In fact, most types of pain can be easily identified by Mercury’s excess proximity to the Sun, Mars or Ketu, with the house and sign indicating the afflicted area of the body.
Chronic pain – Saturn
While the close conjunction of Mercury with the Sun, Mars or Ketu is enough to identify the type and area of the pain, when it comes to chronic or prolonged pain the main factor is Saturn. The conjunction of Saturn with Mercury and one of the fiery planets tends to subdue the intensity yet prolong the duration of the pain, and can denote various conditions ranging from lower back pain and fibromyalgia to multiple sclerosis and osteoarthritis. Meanwhile, the 3rd aspect of Saturn will usually denote pain stemming from severe strain, old injuries or other types of traumatic activities and events. The 10th Saturn aspect however, denotes pain which results from age or is debilitating in nature such as in Arthritis.
Mind over matter – Moon
While physical pain is more apparent, the most common and unavoidable types of pain are psychological and emotional. Both our mind and our emotions are represented in astrology by the Moon, the position of which is crucial for revealing the internal turmoil faced by a person. In addition, the Moon in contrast to Mercury does not need to be closely conjunct or hemmed in between planets to show affliction, with even a single aspect being influential enough to produce results.
The type and source of psychological pain vary greatly depending on the planet conjunct or aspecting the Moon. Among the most surprising would probably be Venus, which in conjunction with the Moon amplifies both emotions and cravings, hence leading to quite a bit of anguish. Among the more classical malefics, one can find the anxiety and depression inducing Saturn, which can also denote pain due to loss. Meanwhile, pain due to mental disorders can usually be seen through a conjunction or aspect of Rahu, while Ketu as mentioned before can denote phantom pain.
Please note: the combinations discussed here cannot be used alone to predict the possibility of disease, nor should they. They are however extremely useful for confirming a diagnosis and receiving more information about the disease itself and its root cause.