Sidereal Location: 26:40° in Sagittarius to 10:00° in Capricorn.
Tropical Location: 20:40° in Capricorn to 04:00° in Aquarius.
Corresponding Fixed Stars: Ascella and Nunki, aka ζ and σ Sagittarii.
Ruler: Sun, Vishvadevas – “All the gods”.
Nature: Rajasic
Motive: Moksha (liberation)
Activity: Balanced
C\M\D: Destruction
A\P\M: Animal
Elements: Air, kapha
Qualities and Direction: Fixed, upwards
Sex, Species and Caste: Warrior, human, mongoose, male
Special Power: The ability to give absolute victory.
Activation Ages: 4, 11, 23, 35, 43, 47, 58, 60, 66, 71, 76, 82.
Main themes: Battles and war, victory and triumph, achievements and success, fame and glory, support and admiration, alliances and partnerships, organizations and social movements, relationship and marital problems.
Appropriate activities: Business and sales, starting companies and organizations, signing contracts, purchasing realestate, dating and sex, making and wearing jewelry, sowing and planting, music and art, engagements and marriage, beginning construction, digging ditches, trenches, foundations and wells, tunneling and mining, laying infrastructure.
While its predecessor, Purva Ashadha, dealt with the initiative and extremism needed to achieve victory and was symbolized by the elephants tusks, Uttara Ashadha can be equated to the elephant that wields those tusks which no animal can defeat and deals with making victories and achievements permanent and secure. The deity of this mansion is Vishvadeva, which literally translates as “all the gods”, and represents the entire Hindu pantheon combined into one. Both the symbol and the deity represent such a vast support in the form of size, numbers or allies that no one can even try to defeat it.
Despite this, the weakness of this mansion is in the area of marriage and relationships, as this is the only mansion whose animal is the mongoose. This mansion is often encountered in the maps of people with worldwide fame and success, such as Elvis Presley (Mercury, Venus and Rahu), John Lennon and Napoleon (Moon), Washington and Lincoln (Moon), Einstein (Rahu and Mars), Steve Jobs (Venus), The Dalai Lama (Rahu), Benjamin Franklin (Sun), Mohammad Ali and Martin Luther King Jr (Sun), Theodore Roosevelt (Mars), Friedrich Nietzsche (Saturn) and Michael Jordan (Mercury and Ketu).
Jupiter is debilitated at 5° of Capricorn in this lunar mansion, due to its competitive, violent and extremist nature. In the birth chart of Barack Obama, Jupiter is located in Uttara Asadha along with Saturn, the ruler of Capricorn, in a combination known as ‘cancellation of debilitation’.