Sidereal Location: 26:40° in Leo to 10:00° in Virgo.
Tropical Location: 20:40° in Virgo to 04:00° in Libra.
Corresponding Fixed Stars: Denebola, aka β Leonis.
Ruler: Sun, Aryaman – The god of partnerships.
Nature: Rajasic
Motive: Moksha (liberation)
Activity: Balanced
C\M\D: Destruction
A\P\M: Animal
Elements: Fire, vata
Qualities and Direction: Fixed, downwards
Sex, Species and Caste: Warrior, human, cow, female
Special Power: The ability to unify (give prosperity through partnerships or marriage).
Main themes: Mediation and matchmaking, marriage and family, partnerships and agreements, friendship and support, sharing and teamwork.
Appropriate activities: Business and sales, dating and sex, making and wearing jewelry, sowing and planting, music and art, engagements and marriage, beginning construction, digging ditches, trenches, foundations and wells, tunneling and mining, laying infrastructure.
While its predecessor, the “initial blush” mansion mainly dealt with the wedding and the wedding night, this mansion focuses on their results such as marital life, children and common property. The symbol of this mansion, the back part of a bed or a hammock, emphasize that couples share not only the bed itself, but for better or for worse everything in and around it, and that’s the main theme of Uttara Phalguni. The deity of this mansion, Aryaman, the god of partnership and marriage, further reinforces that symbolism.